In collective consciousness, the stick is often associated with masculinity and strength. In a dream, it reflects our inner energy, power, but also concealed desires and feelings. Its presence indicates issues related to identity, self-confidence, and deeper, often hidden aspects of our sexuality.

What does a stick symbolize in a dream?
When you dream of hitting someone with a stick, it conveys an intuitive message about your approach to life lessons. In reality, mistakes you've made may become a valuable source of knowledge. The dream encourages you to reflect on your decisions and see the opportunities for personal growth in them.
Being hit by someone with a stick suggests that certain actions or decisions will not yield the expected results. If you experience disappointment in some aspect of your life, it directly relates to choices you made. It's worth being cautious when making decisions, especially if they are risky or unfamiliar.
When you lean on a stick, it's a reminder to be independent in your actions and thinking. Moreover, it signifies that you might be relying too heavily on others' opinions or support, which in the long run might prove detrimental. Leaning on a stick advises you to follow your intuition and knowledge instead of exclusively depending on others.
If you are sharpening a stick in a dream, it mirrors preparation to face challenges. Sharpening the stick suggests you're looking to strengthen your arguments, skills, or other resources to meet upcoming difficulties. The dream urges proactive preparation for future events rather than passively awaiting fate.
Dream interpretation considers a lying stick as an omen of unexpected adversities. You must find the strength and capability to overcome them. A lying stick also symbolizes obstacles that seem tough but are surmountable if approached with the right determination and perspective.
A broken stick is a warning of potential conflicts in your environment. You might get into a dispute with someone close, family, or a colleague. It's wise to be vigilant, avoid misunderstandings, and strive to mend relationships before they escalate to open conflict.
If in a dream you find a stick, it indicates an impending trial. It's possible that an enemy or competitor will stand in your way. The dream warns you to be prepared for upcoming challenges.
To pick up a stick - this dream scenario suggests a sense of instability in your life. It refers to areas of your existence where you feel uncertainty or confusion. Making decisions or acting without a clear plan leads to a sense of being lost. Picking up the stick encourages reflection on your current life direction and possibly changing your perspective or action strategy.